A few weeks ago, when the video of Saga popping the question to Nini went viral online, there was hysterical celebration. As Nini said yes to her ex-housemate, the couple's supporters from Biggie's home rejoiced. Some people are not surprised by this because, despite Nini's repeated denials, Saga openly confessed his love for her while they were both living in the Big Brother house.
One of the relationships that the reality program would have produced would have been Saga and Nini's. The Big Brother Naija reality program has spawned wonderful couples that are still making waves. A prime example would be people like Teddy A and Bambam, Gedoni and Khafi.
Saga wrote Nini a heartfelt birthday greeting to honor her special day. The reality star commended Nini's smile, calling it her best feature and expressing his desire to see it perpetually.
He wrote, “This is definitely my favourite picture of you. I’m not even sure why but I know it must have something to do with your big mouth and beautiful smile. Your smile is definitely your best feature, and I pray you’ll never lack reasons to smile always and forever. Happy birthday Nini. Plu, we need to find out who stole this beautiful, expensive jacket @singhniniofficial. FYI! It’s still your birthday in Canada”.
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