This information was disclosed by the actress, 22, in a video chat on YouTube with Ifedayo Olarinde, also known as Daddy Freeze. Daddy Freeze discussed his romance with Regina with Mr. Nwoko during the interview.He said, “Some people thought I met her (Regina) through her mother. We met, fell in love and got married within three weeks.” When asked if she was not bothered about the public uproar that trailed her marriage, Regina said, “The only thing I was worried about when he proposed was how I was going to tell my family and not what the public will say or think. I have learned a lot from him. I call him ‘baby’. I used to cook but my husband has stopped me from entering the kitchen because we have cooks and domestic staff.”
Ned Nwoko and Regina Daniels also disclosed that they have similar interests, such as a love of swimming. Mr Nwoko said, “I taught her how to swim and I learnt under 20 minutes. I have taught over 700 people how to swim in the last four years. It is my passion that’s why I’m building a sports university as you might know.”
He also gave a sneak-peek into his private life.
“I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t eat meat or chicken. I am a Muslim, a lot of people don’t know this. I converted when I was schooling in England. I am not religious but I believe in values and ethos that is what should guide everyone’s conscience,” he revealed. Long before Regina Daniels was romantically linked with Mr. Nwoko, the actress had become an internet sensation due to her obsession with state-of-the-art cars and tattoos.
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