On Tuesday, a Federal High Court in Abuja denied a new bail application made by suspended DCP Abba Kyari. In a decision, Justice Emeka Nwite determined that Kyari had not provided enough justification for the motion to be allowed. The judge stated that after the arrested police officer's initial plea for release was denied, he failed to present any fresh information in his most recent application. Nwite therefore postponed the case till October 19, October 20, and October 21 in order to continue the trial. According to the News Agency of Nigeria, the judge set today for the decision on the bail request Kyari and other police officers made after being charged by the National Narcotics Law Enforcement Agency for drug offenses on July 20. Following the terrorist attack on Kuje Correctional Centre, which resulted in the release of numerous of their comrades, Kyari had asked the court for further bail. The Kuje Correctional Center is housing Kyari and other defendants. The correctional center was attacked on July 5 by the Islamic State West Africa Province, a Boko Haram breakaway faction. According to the Federal Government, 879 prisoners—including all 68 Boko Haram members who were in custody—escaped.
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