On Tuesday, agents of the Nigerian Police Force's Zamfara State Command freed 12 abducted people from a bandit hideout. According to information obtained by our correspondent, the freed captives, who had been held captive for a month, had been kidnapped by armed bandits and carried to the notorious Bello Maibille's camp in the Kare Kukanka woodland. A reliable police source reported that, relying on intelligence, a tactical squad of the Zamfara Police Command raided the Kare Kukanka forest early on Tuesday to rescue the victims and drive the robbers out. A five-month-old baby girl is among the 12 victims of the kidnapping, according to Mohammed Shehu, a spokesman for the Zamfara police, who confirmed the event. Shehu stated, "Our tactical operatives attached to 42 PMF Squadron Gusau acted on intelligence report that led to the unconditional rescue of 12 hostages from Rungawa village in Talata Mafara Local Government Area while on joint operations with the vigilante near Dajin Kare Kukanka forest. This hostage included a five-month-old baby girl.
The unharmed victims were kidnapped by armed bandits and carried to the Kare Kukanka jungle, where they were held captive for one month. Bello Maibille is a legendary bandit commander who runs this camp. They received medical attention at Gusau's 42 PMF Clinic, after which the police briefed them and turned them over to their families. Shehu stated that Kolo Yusuf, the commissioner of police for Zamfara State, informed the public that the command was committed to finding those responsible for this heinous incident.
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