In an automobile accident near the Obadeyi Bus Stop in Ijaiye, Lagos State, three male soldiers and one female civilian were murdered on Friday. A truck and a Mitsubishi saloon with the license plate RNG396AA were both involved in the accident. One adult male who survived the fatal collision has been transferred to the hospital for treatment, the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency reported in a statement. The bodies of the accident victims have been "bagged while waiting for military pick up and SEHMU," according to the statement. Four people were inside the Mitsubishi car when it was struck head-on by the truck, which was reportedly traveling the wrong way. "The Agency responded to a collision that happened between a truck and a Mitsubishi saloon car with reg. no. RNG396AA," stated the LASEMA statement.
"Further examination showed that the vehicle was going the wrong direction when it struck the car head-on. "Unfortunately, of the four people in the automobile, two were male members of the Nigerian Army and one was a civilian who died in the fatal collision, while the fourth male adult was treated by LASAMBUS and sent to the hospital. As the military pick-up and SEHMU waited, the fatalities were bagged. "The car was taken off the road by the agency's small tow truck and delivered to the police station in Meran. ongoing operations.
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