Americans are calling for an Embargo of Ice Cream Brand “Sweet Jesus”

“It’s satanic!” they say. “It’s blasphemous!”
Christians in America are calling for a boycott of Sweet Jesus, an ice cream chain from Canada pushing into the US.
According to BuzzFeed News, Christians are saying the chain mocks their religion with its signs and adverts.
“Choosing the name of our Lord for a brand of soft-serve ice cream is totally offensive and revolting,” a petition on CitizenGo says. “Both in their promotional materials and menu selection, it is plain to see that Richmond and Todai have every intention of mocking Christ and Christianity. If anything could qualify as ‘hate speech,’ this is it!”
A blog Activist Mommy describes the brand as blasphemous, saying: “This is immediately apparent by their logo, which features an SS style ‘S.’ popular among equally blasphemous and Satanic metal bands of the 70s and 80s, and an upside down cross.”
The petition on CitizenGo has so far managed to rake in over 9000 signatures.
